Scarlet Citadel Session 46 – Attack of the Living Dead

Here’s the latest write up from the Scarlet Citadel, in which the characters escaped the Bat Caverns only to find Redtower under attack.

You can read earlier posts here. This post contains spoilers for Scarlet Citadel.

The characters enter the immense cavern at the heart of the Bat Cult’s territory.  Clairmont tells the derro in dwarven that Kurgorom has betrayed them, prompting one of the derro to go and fetch Gilsfeyr. Meanwhile, the characters edge around the cavern towards the exit. Tunde casts expeditious retreat so she can get there quicker.

Tricksy gets distracted by the small side cavern containing a spring of turquoise water. Realising the water is infused with ley line magic, he dips his rapier in the stream in the hope that it will gain magical powers and fills up a potion vial with water.

The group reaches the rope ladder in the large roosting chamber and start to climb up, disturbing several swarms of bats which fly down from the ceiling to attack. Tricksy catches up with the others and uses his cloak of the bat to fly up the shaft.

Clairmont tries to cast spirit guardians while hanging on the ladder, but can’t hold on while performing the gestures needed to cast the spell. He falls to the ground, loses his spell, and is swarmed by bats, as the others climb to safety on Level 3.

Bat Swarms

Tunde fires eldritch blasts through the hole as Clairmont struggles to his feet and casts spirit guardians again. This time he maintains concentration, killing enough bats to escape.

The adventurers return to Redtower, arriving at dusk, to find the village is under attack from zombies! Sister Yemeth, Barrrett, and Constable Roth are battling the undead as the other villagers cower. The characters join the fray, allowing the injured Sister Yemeth to flee to a nearby building. Unfortunately, their friends Remy and Dugan are both grabbed by zombies and fall unconscious from terrible wounds. 

Zombie Attack

After a few rounds, the characters are able to defeat the zombies with help from Barrett and Constable Roch. Remy and Dugan are saved. 

In the aftermath, they learn that Gabe has seen spirits near Tunde’s hut and the Lifeless Clearing. He says one of them looked like his grandmother.

Clairmont sends Pop to track the zombies. Their scent leads back to the Scarlet Citadel, suggesting they emerged from the portal to the Dry Lands. The party discuss casting glyphs of warding on the gates, getting the villagers to set watches, and other ways to defend the village.

In the meantime, Tunde gives Gabe a scroll of communication, so he can send her a warning if needed. She also casts lesser restoration on Clairmont and Maya to cure the mindrot disease they contracted in the Bat Caverns. The characters return home for a much-needed long rest.

If you’d like to keep up to date with my Scarlet Citadel campaign and other posts, please do join my mailing list – there’s a sign up form on the home page and subscribers receive a free Parsantium supplement. 

Main image by David Auden Nash

Published by richgreen01

D&D gamer | Freelance game designer | Writer & publisher – Parsantium: City at the Crossroads

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