Scarlet Citadel Session 47 – Faces of the Forgotten Spectre

Here’s the latest write up in which the PCs discussed defending Redtower from the undead menace, and laid a starving spectre (from Tome of Beasts 3) to rest.

You can read earlier posts here. This post contains spoilers for Scarlet Citadel.

Following the attack on the village by zombies last session, the characters discuss how to bolster Redtower’s defenses, including casting glyphs of warding on the gates, hiring guards, and/or finding someone to train the militia. 

Clairmont has the temple doors reinforced so it can be used as a sanctuary if the village is attacked again, and Tricksy spends 200 gp kitting out the militia with padded armour and new weapons. They decide against glyphs of warding in case some of the townsfolk are accidentally caught in the blast – probably just as well!

Tunde visits the temple of Yarila and Porevit and talks to Belennor. The alseids have seen the same restless spirit Gabe told the party about, but instead of Gabe’s grandmother, its faces resembled Belennor’s dead father and Synanna’s worst enemy. The group also visit Zula who hasn’t been bothered by any spirits or other undead. She sells potions of greater healing to Tricksy and Clairmont.

Clairmont sends a message to the temple of Khors in Peltzenheim asking if the priests can commission a new font for the temple in Redtower. They politely decline.

The following day,  Clairmont casts divination to learn more about the spirit seen near the Lifeless Clearing. He learns it’s a “starving spectre full of woe, not recalled since long ago”..

Clairmont and Sister Yemeth make vials of holy water to use against the spectre – if only they had a nicer font! The other characters talk to Gabe and Belennor again.

Meanwhile, Dugan Lovay and Barrett depart on their next shopping expedition. Clairmont asks Dugan to look out for a handheld silver mirror he can use to cast scrying. The characters also ask Barrett to hire a sergeant on their behalf to train the militia.

It’s a grey misty morning when the party finally head to the Lifeless Clearing. When they get there Maya goes to investigate a glowing light in the mist and receives a nasty shock from a will-o’-the-wisp. Then, a gruesome spectre appears with several faces and razor-like arms appears, together with more wisps. Each characters recognises different faces – Clairmont sees his old friend Torander, Maya sees the infamous assassin Heinsoo, Tunde sees her brother Dimitar, and Tricksy sees the paladin Griff Ravenblade.

As she attacks, the spectre complains of being forgotten, being cast aside by Gerhardt in favour of his comely apprentices, and not having a statue in her honour. This is the undead spirit of Edelfrieda the Golden, wife of Gerhardt the Elder.

The Lifeless Clearing

Clairmont talks to Edelfrieda, getting her to stop attacking by offering to have a statue made of her. But she has her ghostly heart set on a statue in the middle of Redleaf and is angered by Clairmont’s suggestion that it will installed in an alcove in the temple of Khors. She resumes her attacks and Maya (who is surrounded by enemies) falls unconscious. 

Tunde heals the cleric of Mavros, then Clairmont explodes into radiance, killing two wisps. All three clerics cast spiritual weapon, then Tricksy kills Edelfrieda and the party finish off the last wisp. 

To make sure the spectre has been laid to rest for good, Tunde goes to the temple of Yarila and Porevit, finds an inscription commemorating Edelfrieda on the altar. She arranges for respects to be paid to Edelfrieda regularly from now on.

If you’d like to keep up to date with my Scarlet Citadel campaign and other posts, please do join my mailing list – there’s a sign up form on the home page and subscribers receive a free Parsantium supplement. 

Main image by David Auden Nash

Published by richgreen01

D&D gamer | Freelance game designer | Writer & publisher – Parsantium: City at the Crossroads

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