Scarlet Citadel Session 52 – The Fate Eaters

Here’s the write up from our 52nd Scarlet Citadel session in which the PCs allowed themselves to be bitten by weird glowing worms to hear some cryptic clues.

You can read earlier posts here. This post contains spoilers for Scarlet Citadel.

Xymargshra the spider of Leng attacks the adventurers, cursing the treasure thieves in Void Speech, and attempting to daze them with hypnotic pattern. Tricksy casts Tasha’s hideous laughter which stops the spider from acting for a round, then Clairmont casts two successive fireballs. Tricksy finishes the creature off with a sneak attack.

With the spider dead, the characters return to the treasure chamber while the doorway remains open thanks to Tricksy’s web. Tricksy fills the bag of holding with most of the loot, noting that the coins are stamped with strange symbols and that many of the items are of sinister, alien appearance. He decides to leave the large painting and bulky tapestry behind.

Meanwhile Clairmont examines the second gold door. When he studies the writings in Void Speech, he is blasted with psychic damage and has a vision of Xymargshra spitting venom on the door. Maya carefully harvests venom from Xymargsha and the ghostwalk spider, and they use the former to open the door.

Tricksy sends Yaffle through to scout. The owl flies down the stairs into a series of icy chambers on the level below. When he flies back, everyone returns to the golden pyramid room, then Tricksy drops his web to close the portal to Leng and the doorway.

Back on the Black River, the characters steer their raft to the next landing. Yaffle flies into the chamber where he can see that the two translucent worms are still coiled around the statue. Tricksy casts shape water to freeze part of the river, allowing the party to carry their raft over the rocks to the entrance.

When Tricksy sneaks into the room, the “worms” (fate eaters from Tome of Beasts) call out to him telepathically, reminding him of the embarrassing incident that led to his exile by the River King. As the others approach, it becomes clear that the fate eaters know a lot about the characters, past, present and future. They speak of Tunde’s infamous grass skirt but also the pilgrimage Maya will one day make to the Seat of Mavros.

VTT map of cavern, purple crystals, tokens
Bitten by the Fate Eaters

The creatures offer the adventurers information in exchange for “tasting their fate.” Both Clairmont and Maya (twice) allow themselves to be bitten, learning the following:

“A powerful ally reposes above the still pool. Free it, and you may yet prevail.”

“The worm is the lock; the tooth is the key. Ahh, but snatching it from such a neck. Who has the courage? Not I, brother.” “Nor I, sister.”

“The thing in chains keeps death alive. Only light—the light—can purify its putrescence.”

“The servant of the hunger god is powerful indeed.”

“The river lord slumbers but longs to awaken.”

Unfortunately, the fate eaters aren’t satisfied by a nibble or two and keep biting the characters, making creepy comments as they do so. The group back away towards the river, wary of casting area effect spells in case that wakes the golem. They fight the fate eaters in the entrance – Tricksy kills the first one, then Tunde despatches the second.

Returning to the chamber, they search the room and have a short rest. Yaffle flies down the stairs to the level below, exploring several icy chambers before returning to Tricksy when he experiences a bad feeling.

Low on spells and other resources, the characters return to the golden pyramids chamber and take a long rest. Tricksy identifies the three magic items they found – all are tainted by the Void.

The following day, the group head along the river to the Deep Ones vault where all is as they left it. Next they head to the Frog Shrine where a boat is waiting. Each character gives the mysterious Boatman a gold piece but they don’t board his (?) vessel.

Instead, Tricksy flies over to the blackened steel door, marked with the symbol of the Hunger God, on the opposite bank. Tricksy picks the lock and opens the door enough for Yaffle to fly in. Inside, is a large chamber lit by eerie green light. A hideous roaring sound comes from the south, followed by a heavy chain being dragged across the floor.

VTT map of crypt, columns, green light
Llagfel’s Crypt

When Yaffle flies further into the room, green smoke billows from the braziers and a skeletal armoured figure appears on the throne at the far end of the room….

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Main image by David Auden Nash

Published by richgreen01

D&D gamer | Freelance game designer | Writer & publisher – Parsantium: City at the Crossroads

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