Dungeon23 Level 1 – Sewers of the Hidden Quarter

After restarting my Dungeon23 project exploring the Hidden Quarter beneath Parsantium: City at the Crossroads, I revisited the very first map I did back in Week 1 and added in some areas to the empty spaces.

Rooms 1 – 7 and 103 – 108

Room Descriptions

Rooms 1 – 7

103. Broken steps lead up to a dais where a large statue of Hanuman the Monkey God stood beneath a high vaulted ceiling. Now only the statue’s feet remain.

104. Narrow, steep spiral stairs leading up to the back room of a carpet shop in the Artisan’s Ward, and down to the level below. The third step is marked with a smear of chalk where a message has been rubbed out.

105. Abandoned hallway. Worn stone frieze depicting cavorting monkeys runs around the walls. A single monkey has a sad face. Pressing this carving opens a secret compartment holding a desiccated monkey’s paw on a gold chain (worth 75 gp).

106. Debris covers the floor of the eastern half of this room. A 6” tall red stone statuette of a four-armed daeva stands in a hole in the crumbling wall in the SE corner. The statuette is cursed – disadvantage on Constitution checks & saves until replaced.

107. Crack in floor runs from NE to SW corner, leads down into darkness. Anyone investigating the fissure is attacked by 1d6 stirges flying up from below.

108. Bone-strewn lair of Sallah, a wart-covered gutter troll (Tome of Beasts 3) that used the nearby ladder to climb out of the sewers and hunt his prey in the city streets above. Treasure: 149 sp, 35 gp, glassblower’s tools, vase painted with dragons (250 gp).

With this map finished, I wanted to see how Level 1 was looking if I stitched the individual maps together. Here’s the result:

Level 1

As you can see, there are a couple of corridors that have nowhere to go on the first and third sections. I’ll probably block these with debris when/if I redraw the map. There’s also room to expand the first section to the south, but my plan for the coming week is to work on the next level down and to see if I can join up those sections.

You can follow the project each day on Twitter and Mastodon, and I’ll post an update here each week too, so please do join my mailing list if you’re interested. There’s a sign up form on the home page and subscribers receive a free Parsantium supplement

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Main image by Jonathan Roberts

Published by richgreen01

D&D gamer | Freelance game designer | Writer & publisher – Parsantium: City at the Crossroads

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