Dungeon23 – Shattered Halls of the Black Pyramid

The latest map of Parsantium’s Hidden Quarter shows the area west of the Fuligin Chambers of the Dark Ones and north of the Haunted Halls of Hanuman on Level 2.

I’m still pondering where to go next. Level 3 would be logical, but Level 4 and Level 5 only have one existing map each, compared to three on Level 3….

Rooms 121 – 130
Map Key Part 2

Room Descriptions

121. The cracked ceiling was once supported by four pillars – only three remain intact, the fourth lies in pieces on the floor. The crack in the ceiling leads to area 107 on Level 1. This room is home to a thirst of stirges. 2d6 can be encountered here.

122. All five doors into this chamber have arcane locks – DC 23 to open, DC 27 to force. Dais in the centre holds an obsidian pyramid. A creature touching the pyramid is teleported to another location in the Hidden Quarter – roll 1d6 to determine which level.

123. Huge cave inhabited by dozens of shadowhunter bats. Large hole in ceiling leading to area 4 on Level 1. The floor is far below. Narrow rock bridge crosses over the drop to a ledge on the western side.

124. The ledge leading to this cavern is 15’ below the rock bridge [area 123]. The cave is the lair of a roper that feeds mostly on bats that fly too close. Its gizzard holds 16 pp, a topaz (500 gp), and a dagger of the barbed devil (Vault of Magic).

125. Blood-spattered stone steps lead down to the roper’s lair – the dried blood belonged to an adventurer who ran from the gricks in area 126’into an even worse situation.

126. The floor of the eastern part of this room is strewn with rubble and other debris. Three gricks hide among the rocks, camouflaged by the stone. Treasure: 12 gp, cracked mirror in gold frame (75 gp).

127. Two 20’ high ledges overlook the debris-strewn floor of this cavern. Climbing up to either ledge requires a DC 13 Athletics check. A group of 4 cave fishers work together to catch prey passing through with their sticky filaments.

128. Collapsed hallway. DC 15 Athletics check to climb piles of rubble to get in or out of the chamber via the southwest corner.

129. 2d4 darkmantles hide among the stalactites clinging to the cavern ceiling. Small pool in the centre of the cave; excess water flows out to the southwest.

130. Wide stone steps curve around the deep hole in the centre of this chamber, leading down into darkness. Water from area 129 tumbles over the side of the hole. Thin wisps of smoke rise from the depths.

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Main image by Jonathan Roberts

Published by richgreen01

D&D gamer | Freelance game designer | Writer & publisher – Parsantium: City at the Crossroads

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