Dungeon23 – Fungal Caverns of the Cloaker Conclave

The latest map of Parsantium’s Hidden Quarter explores the area north of the Caverns of the Heart Eaters on Level 3.

The next map will cover the area to the west of this one. My aim for the rest of the project is to expand each level, building on the maps I drew earlier in the year to create a set of decent-sized composite maps suitable for adventuring.

Rooms 131 – 137

Room Descriptions

131. Spiral stairs beneath altar in area 109 lead down to this dank cavern. Hatch can be opened from this side with DC 15 Dex check.

132. Patches of sickly yellow fungi grow among the stalagmites. If disturbed they give off hallucinogenic spores with the effects of a confusion spell, DC 15 Con saving throw to avoid. Six violet fungi stands among the yellow fungus patches.

133. 15’ high ledge along the east wall overlooks the lower part of this cavern. A large colony of pixie’s umbrella fungi (TOB2) lives on the ledge. Climbing up requires a DC 14 Str (Athletics) check. The pixie’s umbrellas float away towards the exits if anyone approaches.

134. The floor of this cavern is carpeted with luminous green fungi – these are inedible to humans and most other humanoid species but are regarded as a delicacy by dwarves, derro, and duergar. Eight boomers (TOB2) are scattered around the chamber, shrieking if anyone comes close.

135. Tall rock pillars stretch from floor to ceiling. The columns are carved with strange glyphs and the names of infamous daevas. Stalactites cling to the ceiling and stalagmites cover the floor, making the room difficult terrain. 11 piercers hide among the stalactites, ready to drop on intruders.

136. Ancient stone statue of a daeva which once had four arms – three have been broken off, only one remains. The base of the statue is stained with the blood of thousands of sacrifices. A skeletal corpse lies close to the statue with one arm outstretched.

137. A subterranean stream flows through this huge cavern from east to west. Water dripping from stalactites forms rivulets that feed the stream. Clusters of stalagmites make traversing the uneven cavern floor slow going. Large holes in the ceiling lead up to areas 113 & 115 on Level 2. A cloaker lairs in the eastern hole. Occasionally several cloakers gather here to exchange information.

You can follow the project each day on Twitter, BlueSky, and Mastodon, and I’ll post an update here each week too, so please do join my mailing list if you’re interested. There’s a sign up form on the home page and subscribers receive a free Parsantium supplement.

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Main image by Jonathan Roberts

Published by richgreen01

D&D gamer | Freelance game designer | Writer & publisher – Parsantium: City at the Crossroads

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