Game Design News – Temple of Sekolah & Hidden Tomb of Nargoth

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any game design news but a couple of adventures I wrote in the second half of last year have now been released so I thought I should blog about them here!

D&D Adventurer Issues 31 – 34

Today I received the latest four issues of Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer #31 – 34. These feature a really fun three part adventure I wrote called Temple of Sekolah featuring one of my favourite monsters, the sahuagin.

The adventure is part of an extended arc that takes the PCs from Neverwinter to the Moonshae Isles (another favourite) and back, and includes awesome maps by Stacy Allan. If you’re looking for a fun underwater quest, this one is for you. I’ve got more adventures to come in forthcoming issues of the magazine.

The other adventure is Hidden Tomb of Nargoth, the first thing I’ve written for Kobold Press’ Tales of the Valiant rules. It’s also compatible with D&D 5e.

Designed for 4th level characters, the adventure centres around the Servants of Nidhogg, one of the major villainous factions in the upcoming Labyrinth setting, and offers plenty of opportunities for entertaining shenanigans as the PCs take on a nefarious apocalypse cult.

Hidden Tomb of Nargoth is available from Drivethrurpg for $4.99

Hidden Tomb of Nargoth

If you play either of these adventures, I’d love to hear how they went.

If you’d like to keep up to date with my game design work and other posts, please do join my mailing list – there’s a sign up form on the home page and subscribers receive a free Parsantium supplement.

Published by richgreen01

D&D gamer | Freelance game designer | Writer & publisher – Parsantium: City at the Crossroads

3 thoughts on “Game Design News – Temple of Sekolah & Hidden Tomb of Nargoth

  1. Oh very cool, didn’t realise you wrote Hidden Tome, I am looking forward to running it this summer for my group. We made switch over to ToV and had first session tonight, running Spore Cavern which didn’t go great for the under numbered players. Hopefully next week, there are more of them.

    And well, when they are 4th level, they will be less squishy and should enjoy your adventure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve not run Spore Lord but I’m not surprised a smaller 1st level party found it tough going as it looks deadly in places. Hope they survive long enough to explore the Hidden Tomb!


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