Game Design News – Temple of Sekolah & Hidden Tomb of Nargoth

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any game design news but a couple of adventures I wrote in the second half of last year have now been released so I thought I should blog about them here! Today I received the latest four issues of Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer #31 – 34. These featureContinue reading “Game Design News – Temple of Sekolah & Hidden Tomb of Nargoth”

Game Design News – Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer and Castles & Crowns

I’ve got a couple of exciting bits of game design news to share this week! Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer is a new magazine published in the UK by Hachette Partworks, designed to teach you how to play D&D. It launched yesterday and is available to buy from WH Smiths etc and on subscription. I’ve writtenContinue reading “Game Design News – Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer and Castles & Crowns”